Lerato Mmotsa (Grade 12)

Learners attended a Career Expo which was held at Tsogo Secondary on 1 March 2019. It is an annual event hosted by Tsogo Alumni Society for the learners to critically figure out their careers paths and future as a whole. Learners from grade 9 to 12 were invited, as well as grade 12 learners from neighbouring schools, Malatse Motsepe Secondary School and Mothotlung Secondary School.

Lerato Mmotsa , Grade 12 [2019]

During the first session information about tertiary life, university admission requirements and financial assistance was presented to grade 11 and 12 learners .This session was followed by interaction of learners with presenters from different companies and tertiary institutions. Classrooms were used as stalls for presentations.The companies called were relevant. Not only did some companies bring knowledge about certain career fields, they also brought goods and prices for learners who participated the most during the presentations, which is what made the sessions even more interesting.

The yearly event can be improved by inviting more universities.The organisers can plead with companies to increase the scope of career opportunities they offer as much as possible. This may be done by having multiple representatives from the same company.

After the career expo, grade 11 learners should be checked occasionally to be motivated to work their skin to the bone so that they can meet and exceed the minimum university requirements. The Tsogo Alumni Society can set aside a day or two to assist grade 12 learners with the overall, where possible tertiary applications.

The learners are grateful for the event and are looking forward to the next one.

Lerato Mmotsa , Grade 12

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