Microsoft Expand Your Business for Women
Microsoft, in association with Business Engage (previously Women in Finance) will be sponsoring a number of qualifying female entrepreneurs to attend a 5-day “Expand Your Business Programme”. This is another one of Microsoft’s commitments to supporting the development of female entrepreneurs and we invite you to provide a motivation to take part in this campaign should your organisation meet the relevant criteria which is as follows:
- You must have a registered businesses (cc, Pty Ltd or partnership)
- Your business must have been in existence for 1 year or more
- Your business must be SARS compliant
- Your business must have a turnover of R250 000 – R5.5million a year
- You must be the majority shareholder in your business
- You must have a desire to grow your businesses
Steps to participating in the programme:
- Click here to register (Link: https://secure.mseventssa.co.za/WEDPCampaign2012/)
- Complete all fields in the registration process
- Provide a written motivation on why you believe your business is ready for growth and why you believe you should be accepted on the programme (deadline 7th March 2012)
- You must attend a 1-day Action My Business Growth Workshop in the week commencing 26th March 2012. (Only 50 applicants will be accepted)
- At the Action My Business Growth Workshop the facilitators will determine if you are one of the qualifying candidates who will enter the second phase of the programme
- If you are one of the qualifying applicants chosen to go into phase 2 you will then attend a 5-day Expand Your Business Programme in the week commencing 16 April.
Action My Business Growth Workshop
This objective is to assist Growth Orientated Women Entrepreneurs (GOWE) to grow their businesses from small-to-medium scale. This is done through the use of participative training techniques to assist the GOWEs to:
- Understand the challenges and opportunities of having growth as an objective
- Identify barriers to growth and strategies to overcome these barriers
- Understand how to plan for and to manage growth
- Explore their business’ growth potential
- Develop realistic action plans for growth
- Identify new opportunities for sustainable growth
- Explore entrepreneurs tools for developing action plans to expand their businesses and
- Go for growth!
Expand Your Business Programme (EYB)
The EYB programme is an integrated support package for growth-oriented enterprises (GOEs) that offers 5 days management training, business counseling and linkages for medium businesses that are rapidly growing to assist them realize their growth ambitions.
The objectives of the Expand Your Business (EYB) programme are:
- Strengthen the business fundamentals and functional areas to prepare the business for growth.
- Assist the enterprises to develop and implement their business growth plans through training and non-training interventions.
The training component of the GOWE EYB programme covers 5 key business management areas of:
- Strategic Management
- Marketing Management
- Human Resources Management
- Operations Management and
- Financial Management
The non-training components of the programme include facilitation of business and financial linkages, individual counselling and business networking.
Original Source for announcement: http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=2e60d4844f9d6e7d12f669abb&id=7e764058a9