2013, Save The Date
Tsogo Secondary School along with The Tsogo Alumni Society are planning the Tsogo Career Expo for 2013. The Career Expo will be held on Friday, March 8th 2013. So save the date.
When: Friday, March 8th 2013. 08h30 – 14h00
Where: Tsogo Secondary School – Mmakau Village,
Alumni, We want you!
In addition to having institutions, companies and organisations being we invite Tsogo Alumni to come share their personal academic and professional experiences. There are multiple ways to get involved.
- Volunteer to talk about your profession and represent your company/organization
- Encourage institutions/organizations/companies you think will enhance the career expo to get involved
- Donate (where possible, to cover costs of putting on the event)
- We need general volunteers on the day of the expo to help with running the event (welcoming presenters, serving food / catering, etc.)
- We also need alumni to come and present on their careers – including university students. We think recent alumni (in tertiary) can add a lot to this year’s event and we’d like to send a special invite for them to come and give advise on how to handle tertiary institutions, living away from home for the first time etc. We haven’t had enough of these type of alumni in the past.
- Forward this to other Alumni to let them know
If you are interested in helping out in any way, please contact Thabo Ncalo
Cellphone: 0836903917
Invited Institutions
Invited Companies and Organisations
FNB, Stanlib, Standard Bank, Investec, Rand Merchant Bank, Ernst & Young, Deloitte , SAICA, Thuthuka Trust. SEESA (Labour, BEE & Consumer Law), Webber Wentzel, SAP, CSIR, Outsurance, Stats SA, Cell C, MTN, Media and Advertising Agencies, Theatres & Museums, Government Departments (Social Welfare, Home Affairs & more)
If you are interested in helping out in any way, please contact Thabo Ncalo
Cellphone: 0836903917
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