Tsogo High/Secondary School Alumni - NPO Registration No.053-952-NPO

Tag: high school alumni

Commemorating Womens Month – Botlhale Mabatshidi Nong (Tsogo 1986)

You Strike a Woman you Strike a Rock - Image Courtersy Inforesources.com http://inforesources.glogster.com/Womens-Day/

In the early hours of a dry, dusty and cold ninth day of August 1956, more than 20 000 South African women of all colours, hues, religious affiliations and political orientation, marched on the Union Buildings in Pretoria – the administrative capital of the country, to demand what was rightfully theirs: their civil, political and human rights.  For them complete and total race and gender equality was not a dream but “an idea whose time had come.”  In those dark days of the full rage of Apartheid, that was a move so courageous, so fraught with all manner of possibilities for their own, and their families’ physical harm and banishment or exiling that it is almost impossible to imagine why they dared to do this.  But they walked, took trains and buses and taxis to make this point – which we celebrate this day, August 9th and throughout this month as well.   Having witnessed the legalized persecution, marginalization and denigration of black Africans, and their men and boys in particular, they told the then Prime Minister, J. G. Strijdom (and indirectly to Min. Hendrik Verwoerd who was in charge of the so-called Native Affairs department who made his famous De Wildt Speech with the refrain: “Waar staan die baas?  Die baas staan op die kaffir se nek” a speech made half a kilometer from THS …to which African people responded: “ Nnandzi’ ndod’ e mnyama Verwoerd…passopa Verwoerd) in no uncertain terms and in words now known, heard and that resonate all over the world every month of August: “Wathint’ Abafazi, Wa thint’ Imbokodo, uzokufa.” (Loosely translated: Now you have struck the women; you have struck a rock…)

Tsogo High School Alumni Survey 2010

Fill in our survey

The Alumni Directory has now been available for 1 whole year. We appreciate user feedback and thus we would like you to fill in this survey so we can know what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong. The Alumni Directory is trying to find out information from Alumni about what they feel about the services offered. We have the website which is http://tsogoalumni.org.za, we run services on Facebook and LinkedIn, we run the email groups. As per usual, non of this information will be used or shared with any third parties. Please fill in the survey below

Seasons Greetings

Seasons greetings to all alumni. We wish all of the students best of luck as they await their results. We wish to extend a warm thank you to all alumni who have joined us in this our initial steps in our long journey. Have a good December!

View of the Church

2009 has been a successful year for our Tsogo online community and we would like to take this opportunity to look at some highlights for this year:

In 2009 we witnessed the birth of http://tsogoalumni.org.za a website developed and maintained by a number of Tsogo alumni. The website aims to be the hub on information for alumni as well as some information for current learners. We hope to do more with the platform and reach more and more alumni through it. We have listened to your comments and are working on a number of subprojects to extend our reach as well as impact with all alumni. If you have any ideas on how we can reach even higher (whether small or large ideas) drop us an email at tsogoalum@gmail.com

On that note as an experimental feature we would like to extend an invitation to anyone from the class of 2000 who would like to get working on connecting the strands of that year back together as 2010 is the 10th reunion for the class. If we can assist, we definitely will try our best.

Social Networking Membership Milestone

The Tsogo Facebook group broke the 500 member mark (This is small compared to the number of alumni out there, so lets get them joining). Thanks to everyone who has been inviting friends and the new effort for better visibility in the social networking world. Our next target is to break the 1000 mark by June next year. To view all of our social networking efforts you can visit http://tsogoalumni.org.za/social-networking

Tsogo Alumni Society (http://tsogoalumni.org.za/society)

The Tsogo High School Alumni Society was formally formed to allow former Tsogo Alumni to contribute to the intellectual wellbeing and deveopment of the current students. What a great way to give back to the school and also ensure its continued excellence.

You can get the latest information about the society and also join by filling in the contact form that is available on the web page. We have had a number of alumni fill in their information and we have better ways to contact them if there are any events that we think they would be interested in joining.

Alumnus Beings and Doings

Just as a last note we would like to highlight Thurston Sebotsane’s work. Read about his journey motivating learners around the country and his bike journey on his blog at http://lungit.blogspot.com
We commend him for his great work and wish him all the best.

If you have any alumnus you want us to feature his/her work please tell us. If you want to highlight your work please also email us. We welcome all types of contribution to community and all.


If you have any comments do not hesitate to email us at tsogoalum@gmail.com

We wish all of the students best of luck as they await their results.

******** Have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year*******

Online Tsogo High School Alumni Team

Career Expo 2009 – Report Back

Dear Friends of Tsogo,

We are very excited to give you a report-back on the careers expo we held at the school on Saturday September 26th 2009. We attach some pictures from the event and some notes on the presenters and companies.
We wish to thank all academic institutions, companies and their representatives, donors, alumni, teachers, vice principal, guidance teacher & rest of the faculty, Sr. Colmcille and the school, learners and all who assisted in the careers expo. You all sacrificed time out of your Saturday to spend the day imparting your knowledge to the learners of Tsogo Secondary School – we thank you!
There is a proverb that says that “the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago… the next best time is now!” We hope we have planted some trees of knowledge in the learners who attended the expo.
Thank you to all donors (esp. the Class of 1987 alumni group), supporters, online & social networking team, alumni society executive members  and all involved in putting this event together. We hope you’ll enjoy the pictures presented to you in this report-back. You can also visit the website and the ‘Tsogo Scholars Past & Present‘ Facebook page for more pictures and comments.
Thank you once again for your care, interest and support. We welcome any feedback, thoughts and your suggestions on how we can improve on future expos.
Kind regards,
Thabo Ncalo
Tsogo High School Alumni Society

We are very excited to give you a report-back on the careers expo we held at the school on Saturday September 26th 2009. We attach some pictures from the event and some notes on the presenters and companies.

We wish to thank all academic institutions, companies and their representatives, donors, alumni, teachers, vice principal, guidance teacher & rest of the faculty, Sr. Colmcille and the school, learners and all who assisted in the careers expo. You all sacrificed time out of your Saturday to spend the day imparting your knowledge to the learners of Tsogo Secondary School – we thank you!

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