Tsogo High/Secondary School Alumni - NPO Registration No.053-952-NPO

Tag: alumni survey

2010 Alumni Survery Insights

Alumni Survey Insights

Your Responses

We would like to thank everyone who has participated in the survey. The insight from the survey was also compared to all the data we have gathered since the beginning. One interesting thing is that a good number of our alumni want to receive messages through email. To this end we have slowly been increasing our email group. We will soon reach 400 alumni on the email group. We encourage anyone who would want to suggest the Alumni Directory and Society to anyone, point them to the Website http://tsogoalumni.org.za . More importantly if you would like to receive better updates in the future fill in the form at http://tsogoalumni.org.za/social-networking/contact-update-form if you have not already.

Tsogo High School Alumni Survey 2010

Fill in our survey

The Alumni Directory has now been available for 1 whole year. We appreciate user feedback and thus we would like you to fill in this survey so we can know what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong. The Alumni Directory is trying to find out information from Alumni about what they feel about the services offered. We have the website which is http://tsogoalumni.org.za, we run services on Facebook and LinkedIn, we run the email groups. As per usual, non of this information will be used or shared with any third parties. Please fill in the survey below

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