The Alumni Directory has now been available for 1 whole year. We appreciate user feedback and thus we would like you to fill in this survey so we can know what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong. The Alumni Directory is trying to find out information from Alumni about what they feel about the services offered. We have the website which is, we run services on Facebook and LinkedIn, we run the email groups. As per usual, non of this information will be used or shared with any third parties. Please fill in the survey below
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Alumni Profile Vukosi N. Marivate
When did you start and finish at Tsogo?
Started 1998 and finished in 2003
Where did you do your primary schooling?
Morekolodi Primary School (Yes I did the full Mmakau experience)
What further education institutions did you attend?
I obtained BSc degree in Electrical Engineering (Information) from Wits University . I then spent a year doing research to get my Masters degree in Electrical Engineering (Computational Intelligence) from Wits again. I am now enrolled for a PhD in Computer Science at Rutgers University in New Jersey, USA.