The Alumni Society believes that is imperative that the learners get exposed to a wider spectrum of information and not only be restricted to the classroom. These may be in the form of career expos, industry site visits, university visits, participating in university learner programmes participation. This will give learners an opportunity to make more informed decisions in terms of subject and career choices.
Over and above the Career Expo held in March, 2019 the boy learners have participated in the Loxion Science STEM camp. This initiative is about giving learners an opportunity to learn about STEMI (Science, Technology, Mathematics and Innovation) disciplines through hands on experiments and mentoring. A camp for girls is also upcoming where learners will also get the same experience.

We need to improve the experiences that students have outside the classroom. To this end, in 2019 we would like to start a fund to be able to assist students in attending enriching events at organisations and Higher education institutions. Please help us with our first project, giving scholarships to 12 learners to attend engineering week at the University of Pretoria.
Donate!! Help us raise R10k for UP 2019 engineering week.
Bank Details
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Account Name: Tsogo High School Alumni Society
Account Number: 62560915773
Account Branch: 250655
Payment Reference: YourName-EWeek
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