New Website Look
June is youth month and to commemorate it we have begun to change our look. We are working on being “youthful” and fresh. The changes on the website will be gradual but are aimed at making the experiences of users as easy as possible while highlighting important information. We are also streamlining all of our social media, we are available on:
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/TsogoHighSchool
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/tsogoalum
- LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/tsogo
Update Your Details
Yes its a constant drone, but it takes a couple of minutes and lets us structure our approach to providing you with information and connecting you to other alumni. Please update your details: http://bit.ly/tsogocontact We are still working on a system that will allow you to review your details in future.
What you can do as an Alumnus
There a number of things you can do to help the Alumni cause:
- Volunteer your time at some of the events that will be coming up later in the year
- Volunteer your skills to keep the Alumni Website Running
- Offer feedback to our newsletters, articles etc.
- Get other alumni connected to us by referring them to the website
- Offer to mentor other young alumni
- Provide information about opportunities to others (Work/Education)
The list really does go on.
Youth Month
As it is youth month, we want to highlight the Mail and Guardians 200 Young South African List: http://ysa2011.mg.co.za/
We also have our own running series of Alumni Profiles that you can browse: http://tsogoalumni.org.za/category/alumni-profiles
Where you connect from in South Africa
Just some short tech facts. Our website visitors connect from all over the country. The largest concentration is in Pretoria and Johannesburg but as you can see form the map below the connections are varied.
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