Thabo Ncalo (Tsogo 1997)
Alumni Profile of Thabo Ncalo
When did you start and finish at Tsogo?
I went across to Tsogo from Morekolodi Primary in 1992. At the time Grades 7 to 9 (Std. 5 to 7) were ‘under’ Marian Middle School – but it’s always been one Tsogo. The ‘middle’ school was just a Bophuthatswana government creation I guess. I finished my matric at Tsogo in 1997.
Where did you do your primary schooling? (name and place)
I did my primary school at Morekolodi Primary in Mmakau. At the time the school was under Sister Kieran. I started at Morekolodi in 1989.
What further education institutions did you attend? (name and place)
From Tsogo I went to the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg to pursue a degree in Commerce (Finance & Investments). I’ve also done other post grad courses and professional courses and exams.
What do you currently do (Work, Philanthropy, etc.)?
I am currently an Investment Analyst focusing on African Equity Capital Markets at STANLIB Asset Management. I am part of a small specialized team that manages international investment portfolios for various institutional and personal clients mainly in Europe, the Middle East and South Africa. I was previously an Investment Analyst with Investec Asset Management in Cape Town
I also do some philanthropy work for a small NPO (non-profit organization) called the ‘South Africa-Mozambique Friendship Association’. The NPO promotes friendship and ties between the two countries by sponsoring and arranging work camp programmes for Wits University and Eduardo Mondlane University (Maputo, Mozambique) students. The association also runs selected bursary programmes for high school students in Hokwe Village in Mozambique and Mooiplaas Village in South Africa. I’m the former Treasurer and Exec. Member of the organization.
I am also the Secretary of the Tsogo Alumni Society which I co-founded with a small group of the Class of 1997 alumni. I was the founding Chairperson of the Society.
What is your inspiration (e.g. Role Models)
I’d say PASSION more than anything moves me. Passion inside me and passion I observe from others. I truly believe that talent alone can’t sustain enthusiasm and inspiration. I have a very deep passion for the development of our continent and its people. I think Africa is like a rose surrounded by thorns and I draw my inspiration from finding and exploring these many ‘roses’ on the continent!
It’s pretty hard to really pin down a single role model but I’d definitely give my parents the first title. They instilled in me a desire to learn new things, explore and continue ‘studying’. ‘University’ was not a choice in my family! I also admire many highly inspirational authors, orators, business people, social entrepreneurs and many men and women who’ve shaped various aspects of our history as South Africans, Africans and global citizens.
Message to Alumni
I urge you to give back what you can to the school and your community. I think we all need to stick together, give our skill, time and energy to uplift Tsogo, its teachers and learners. Our alumni society is meant to formally organize and mobilize alumni to give back to the school through the various projects we do and will continue to expand on. I also urge Tsogo alumni to give back to various communities by participating in various social and charity projects and work. I truly believe that we all need to give back to our communities – this will be a key pillar of African growth where “each one will teach one”.
We intend to grow the alumni society much more aggressively going forward but we can only do this with your help as alumni. Please get in touch with us and support us in our efforts to give our care, skill and resources to the school. This will be our legacy as forward thinking alumni. <
Message to current Students
Stay motivated, stay focused. There’s still a lot to learn and do – so know that Tsogo is simply the beginning of a long journey. With our Alumni Society we hope to give you a ‘head-start’ by exposing you to the better part of the real world. Ask questions, be inquisitive! Use us as Alumni.
Have a global view and travel as much you can. Don’t be afraid to interact with people from other cultures, races and geographies. If you ever get the opportunity to study, work or travel abroad – take it with open hands and give it ‘horns’ – be bullish on international matters! It’ll open up your mind. Travel on the African continent if you ever get the chance – it’s an amazing continent with amazing people who do fantastic stuff daily! Learn foreign languages if you can!
Read as many books as you can – don’t stop with your high school or university books! Have a deep passion for knowledge. Be brave and believe in yourself – you’ve coming out of a very good school that can hold its own anywhere, anytime.
Have respect for your parents (broadly speaking from a community point of view) and elders. Listen and learn from those who have done well ahead of you. Take good advice and be patient. I’m personally a gradualist and would urge you to be the same. Build yourself gradually and firmly through knowledge.
What is/are your fondest memory/memories of Tsogo High School?
I guess there are far too many memories of the school, its campus and many friends we spent time with. I spent virtually all my childhood at Morekolodi and Tsogo. My earlier memories of Morekolodi involve some innocence and playing around a lot. As we got to Tsogo they become a bit more mischievous. From the group of ‘IDD’ boys who went through Mrs. Letebele and Sr. Colmcille’s grueling office interrogations and then the ‘school cleaning’ punishment. I remember Mr. Matlhola asking us tongue in cheek whether our ‘IDD’ group had a branch in New York because IDD stood for ‘International Dirk Donner’! Classic!! To all those boys at 12C who were all very crazy characters… playing chess during study (and sometimes during Mr. Abrahams class) at the back. We were hooked!
Not all memories are mischievous though. I was one of the founding members of the ‘Voice’ newsletter in 1997 and I fondly remember the ‘launch’ and sale – we sold it for 50c a copy! I think we made some R80 and then donated it to the school. I remember being on the SRC, the English Committee, the Speech exams… even the many ‘sphatlho’ lunches from the tuck shop. There are far too many good memories.
Significant Achievements (Please list achievements/awards you have gotten since leaving Tsogo)
I won the Institute of Bankers and SASBO ‘Banker of the Year’ award in 2007. The contest required entrants to submit and later present an argument to a panel on the (new) National Credit Act and the level of indebtedness of the South African consumer.
As an Africa Investment Analyst, I was profiled by the Sowetan and The Times newspapers in February 2009 under their Careers section for promoting investment activity in Africa. Download: The Times Article
Connect With Me
- I am on Facebook
- Website: www.kushite.co.za – a small private investment group between me and a few partners.
More Alumni Profiles
- Alumni Profile: Izimangaliso Surprise Malatjie (Tsogo 1986-88)
- Alumni Profile: Dr. HM Molamu (Tsogo 1980)
- Alumni Profile: Mpho Mokgadi (Tsogo 2004)
- Alumni Profile: Portia Victoria Mogosetsi (Tsogo 2003)
- Alumni Profile: Gabisile Simelane (Tsogo 1996)
- Alumni Profile: Kgomotso Sekhute (Tsogo 1986)
- Alumni Profile: Keamogetsoe Maroo (Tsogo 2002)
- Alumni Profile: Tshepo Kgobe (Tsogo 1991)
If you have an alumnus you would like to nominate please email us at tsogoalum@gmail.com or go to the Contact page and fill in the contact form.
Hey there,
You guys are really doing a great job. l hope u still remember me, i was a standard before u. Keep up the great job and will try to make time to attend one of ur meetings.